Encaustic Assemblage Workshop

Encaustic Assemblage Workshop

Description as·sem·blage | ə-ˈsem-blij | A group of things collected…a sculptural technique of organizing into a unified whole a group of unrelated and often fragmented or discarded objects…scraps, junk, odds and ends. Expand Your Art With Encaustic! Join artists...
Printmaking With Plants

Printmaking With Plants

DescriptionEco-prints! Learn to make beautiful prints on paper and fabric using the natural dyes in leaves, flowers, and vegetables. Join visual artists Candace Law and Melissa Rian in our studio for a fun 2-day workshop.In this 2-day workshop, you will learn what...
Photos in Blue Workshop

Photos in Blue Workshop

Description Let’s get ready to celebrate World Cyanotype Day on September 28 by learning to make cyanotype prints in a workshop on Saturday & Sunday, August 24-25. It’ll be a great two days of fun with the sun, so register today! Cyanotype is a vintage...