Description as·sem·blage | ə-ˈsem-blij | A group of things collected…a sculptural technique of organizing into a unified whole a group of unrelated and often fragmented or discarded objects…scraps, junk, odds and ends. Expand Your Art With Encaustic! Join artists...
DescriptionEco-prints! Learn to make beautiful prints on paper and fabric using the natural dyes in leaves, flowers, and vegetables. Join visual artists Candace Law and Melissa Rian in our studio for a fun 2-day workshop.In this 2-day workshop, you will learn what...
Description Let’s get ready to celebrate World Cyanotype Day on September 28 by learning to make cyanotype prints in a workshop on Saturday & Sunday, August 24-25. It’ll be a great two days of fun with the sun, so register today! Cyanotype is a vintage...
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